IPGS Membership


Membership in the IPGS is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy from beginners to those with experience in the field.

The application form is printed at the bottom of this page.


The fiscal year of the IPGS begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st.

Annual dues are payable on or before January 1st for the ensuing year and shall be considered delinquent if not paid by the last day of January.


New members enrolling between June 30th and December 31st pay one-half of the annual dues for that year.







Please put an X next to preferred Membership type:


____New     ____Renewal    ____Individual ($20.00)  ____Family ($25.00)

____LIFE ($150, 65 or older)   


Name(s): ___________________________________________________

           (Please include full name(s). Ladies please include maiden name.)


Address: _________________________________________________


City, State, Zip Code. _______________________________________


Phone Number: ___________________ E-mail Address:____________


(If you are a seasonal resident please provide your alternate address and approximate dates you expect to be away.)


Make checks payable to


P.O. Box 10

Kathleen, FL 33849